Micro Optimisation - Beyond Structured Programming

Micro Optimisation - Beyond Structured Programming

Reviewing the converted Z80 assembly to reveal some Z80 specific micro optimisations


7 min read

This is part of a series Micro Optimisation that uses a C implementation of Conway's Game of Life for the ZX Spectrum to learn Z80 Assembly. A GitHub repository accompanies it.

The previous post was going to be the last post of this series for the time being but I think this will be that. I haven't numbered the posts this time and had left things more open ended with the idea that I would probably revisit this series with a new post at some point, rather than start a new series on the same topic. The C code is now all converted to equivalent Z80 assembly, showing the impact of the micro optimisation of a straight-ish conversion from C to Z80 assembly, with some loop unrolling and banishing of the surprisingly expensive modulo command. Plus as I noted, it's objectively harder to further develop a Z80 assembly codebase than it is in a high-level language like C. Converting each module or function was a fun puzzle that became frustrating at times but ultimately very rewarding. Being able to put it down afterwards was very much part of the reward.

Since the previous post and over the last week or so I have spent some time looking over the codebase, and have been able to pick out a few more micro optimisations that only apply in the context of Z80 assembly. They go beyond the logical optimisations of structured programming that were the focus of the last series, and use Z80 specific knowledge to reduce the number of clock cycles or t-states used to perform the converted assembly routines. I didn't review the code with the intention of finding these optimisations they just occurred to me as I looked over each routine and I thought it was worth applying and commenting on these optimisations so here we are. Actually the first optimisation I do owe to this excellent book which was an inspiration for this series and also uses a similar optimisation in one of its chapters on optimisation, that must have been on my mind when I spotted it.

Use add hl, hl to multiply by 2 or 4 or 8 or 16...


; load_cell_location
; inputs: b = y, c = x
; outputs: hl = cell location within grid
; alters: a, b, de, hl
            ld a, c ; load a with x
            or a ; clear carry flag so doesn't get rotated into number
            rra ; shift-right i.e. divide by 2
            ld hl, grid ; point hl at grid
            ld d, $00 
            ld e, a ; de = a
            add hl, de ; hl = _grid + x/2
            ;ld d, $00 - already 0
            ld e, b ; de = y           
            ld b, COMPRESSED_GRID_WIDTH ; load b to loop COMPRESSED_GRID_WIDTH times
            add hl, de
            djnz load_cell_location_loop ; hl = _grid + (x / 2) + (y * COMPRESSED_GRID_WIDTH)


; load_cell_location
; inputs: b = y, c = x
; outputs: hl = cell location within grid
; alters: a, b, de, hl
            ld a, c ; load a with x
            or a ; clear carry flag so doesn't get rotated into number
            rra ; shift-right i.e. divide by 2
            ld hl, grid ; point hl at grid
            ld d, $00 
            ld e, a ; de = a
            add hl, de ; hl = _grid + x/2
            ;ld d, $00 - already 0
            ld e, b ; de = y           
            ex de, hl ; hl = y
            add hl, hl
            add hl, hl
            add hl, hl
            add hl, hl ; hl = y * COMPRESSED_GRID_WIDTH(=16)
            add hl, de ; hl _grid + (x / 2) + (y * COMPRESSED_GRID_WIDTH)

It so happens that the width of our grid is 32, compressed to 16 bytes, each split into 2 4-bit "nibbles". We had abstracted our grid from the rest of the code that just cared about x and y positions, that were converted into an array location by multiplying the y value by the length of each row i.e. 16. Simple maths really, but requiring a loop in assembly. That is unless you can just double the value of y 4 times. This is a nice trick that can save enough t-states to make it worth aiming for data structures that are powers of 2 in size. This is actually what most high-level languages do, and I can imagine it helps simplify and optimise a few things with this being one of them.

Avoid unnecessary pushing and popping

We followed a strangler fig approach in this series to convert C to Z80 assembly, which is a modern software engineering term that just means replacing modules with code that has the same inputs and outputs, leaving the rest of the code unaware. Fortunately for us z88dk supports interop with Z80 assembly and this was fairly seamless. A feature of C however is that it passes parameters via the stack, which protects them from changes made by the callee but this has some overhead. An alternative approach is just to load the registers with the values expected by the callee, and make a note of what registers are affected by the callee. Often, but not always, this means the stack isn't needed to protect the values. Going from stack-by-default to stack-when-required can save quite a few clock cycles. This breaks encapsulation somewhat and you tend to do things like try to always use the de registers for x and y to avoid juggling registers, or work backwards to update callers so that they do, but it can be worth doing. For example...


            ld d, $00
            ld e, a ; e = current char
            push de ; pass char
            ld de, $080a ; x = 10, y = 8
            push de ; pass x,y
            call draw_chr_at ; draw char

; draw_chr_at
; inputs: d = y, e = x, bc = character code
; alters: a, bc, de, hl
            pop hl ; hl = ret address
            pop de ; d = y, e = x
            pop bc ; c = character code
            push hl ; ret address back on stack

            ; load hl with memory address of character glyph
            ; etc...


            ld b, $00
            ld c, a ; bc = current char
            ld de, $080a ; x = 10, y = 8
            call draw_chr_at ; draw char

; draw_chr_at
; inputs: d = y, e = x, bc = character code
; alters: a, bc, de, hl
            ; load hl with memory address of character glyph
            ; etc...

Avoid unnecessary calculations

This was probably the biggest win although it's harder to meaningfully show the before and after code. As one of our big O optimisations we started tracking active cells so that not every cell was checked on every iteration, and this was a nice high-level optimisation. Instead of storing the x and y position however, we stored a numbered location which was converted to and from x and y positions as and when required. This not only meant multiplying by 16 as in the above optimisation, but also dividing and using the remainder which was an even more convoluted calculation. An obvious improvement, once I thought about it, was just to store the y value in the first byte of a 16-bit number and the x value in the second byte (y first for ZX Spectrum reasons). Z80 registers are 8-bit so a register pair e.g. de that was storing a 16-bit number would now represent d=y, e=x. One way to show the improvement I suppose is the full grid.asmbefore and after. Note that we no longer need get_cell_x_coord or get_cell_y_coord, which were also among the most complex routines in the codebase.

These final micro optimisations were the result of a shift in mindset from high-level structured programming to machine language that only occurred once the initial conversion from C to Z80 assembly was complete. I'm happy with these optimisations and the performance improvement is noticeable making me question my previous conclusion that you can create pretty much whatever you want on 8-bit machines using C, so long as you think about how it will be converted to assembly. Perhaps this suggests more of a hybrid approach where you think about how it will be converted while also being prepared to roll your sleeves up and convert it yourself to apply the optimisations that go beyond structured programming. The full commit containing all these optimisations is available here, which also includes removing the unnecessary loading screen and introducing a minimum number of cycles between letters to tackle the new problem of it being too fast.